Living in a vibrant urban area like Vancouver or Toronto has its perks, but sometimes you need a break from the concrete jungle. A cottage or recreational property can be your perfect getaway, offering tranquility, natural beauty, and a chance to reconnect with nature. In this article, we’ll explore the common issues and things to watch for when shopping for a second home in the country. We’ll also suggest some preferred areas of the province that are off the beaten track but within 75 miles of a shopping center.

Assessing Your Needs: Before embarking on your cottage-buying journey, it’s essential to assess your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the distance from your primary residence, your budget, preferred activities (e.g., hiking, fishing, skiing), and desired amenities (e.g., lakefront access, proximity to trails). This self-reflection will help you narrow down your search and find the perfect recreational property that suits your lifestyle.

Financial Considerations: As someone with an income greater than $50,000 and no mortgage on your primary residence, you’re in an excellent position to invest in a cottage or recreational property. However, it’s crucial to consider the financial aspects before making a purchase. Calculate your budget carefully, factoring in not only the purchase price but also ongoing expenses such as property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, and potential rental income if you plan to rent out the property when you’re not using it.

Common Issues and Things to Watch For: When shopping for a second home in the country, there are several common issues and things to watch for, especially if your preferred area is off the beaten track.

Accessibility: Ensure that the property is easily accessible year-round. Consider road conditions during winter months if you plan to use it throughout the year.

Water Source: If the property relies on well water or another alternative water source, have it inspected to ensure its quality and reliability.

Septic System: If the property has a septic system, have it inspected by a professional to avoid any costly surprises down the road.

Zoning and Building Restrictions: Familiarize yourself with local zoning regulations and building restrictions to ensure your plans align with what’s permitted, especially if you are considering a pre-fab tiny home.

Environmental Considerations: Research any environmental concerns specific to the area, such as flood zones or wildfire risks.

Buying a cottage or recreational property can be an exciting adventure for urban dwellers seeking an escape from city life. By assessing your needs, considering financial aspects, and being aware of common issues when shopping for a second home in the country, you’ll be well on your way to finding your dream getaway.

Remember to consult with local real estate professionals who specialize in recreational properties for more personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.

Contact us today for more information. Happy cottage hunting!
